What is Customer Service ?

                                What is Customer Service ? 

Customer Service has many definitions. Some would say it means to help customers;but here is another definition we have found. 

The ability of knowledgeable capable and enthusiastic employees to deliver products and services to their internal and external customers in a way that satisfies identified and unidentified needs and ultimately results in  positive word of mouth publicity and return business, (Lucas,2009 Hudson & Hudson 2013)

     History of Customer Service. 

Customer Service foundation began in the craftsman economy in the 1800's where customization of orders were the standard of the day as individuals and manufacturers of arts and crafts were competitors (Hudson & Hudson, 2013) 

Customer Service took a change in 1876 with the invention of the telephone. In earlier days if a customer had problem with a product bought they would have to return it directly to the store. Also if they had a question they normally had to go to the store to get answers. The invention of the telephone was done by Alexander Graham-Bell. This allowed customers to now contact the store directly.

Here is a brief video about the history of Customer Service:

What is considered good customer service.

Good customer service is going the extra mile in assisting customers. Answering customers queries in a polite and professional way.  It also means showing the customer how important he or she is to you and the business by interacting with he or she in a friendly and helpful and positive way. 

If a customer posses good good customer service this will keep the relationship between customer and organization lasting and also it will improve advertisement. It helps to keep the business alive. 

Remarkable customer service:

  • Comes from Knowledgeable employees
  • Is adaptable 
  • promotes trust and confidence 
  • focused on the guests
  • is consistent
  • involves processes that allows continual improvement
  • has a commitment from the top of the organization

To view more about this here is a video on Good Customer service:

What is Good Customer Service ?

Characteristics of Service

  • Intangibility - this means products that cannot be felt, tasted, seen, heard or smelled. E.g. Passengers boarding an airplane for travel.
  • Inseparability- service cannot be separated from its providers or service environment. 
  • Variability- service delivery quality is contingent on who is providing the service. ZThe same person can offer varying levels of service throughout any day.
  • Perishability-  services cannot be stored. 

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